Everyone has a story… but do they have a book?
Everyone has a story… but do they have a book? That line is the premise for every show I host on Let’s Get Writing. Everyone does have a story. In this case, they literally have published stories – books, poems, songs – which are the focus of each...The Bergs – Why I love Living and Writing in Newfoundland
The Bergs. Where else in the world can you hop on your own cruiser, on a beautiful cooking hot sunny day (overuse of adjectives acknowledged: my apologies to Professor Ed Eagles) and play amongst the most stunning, chilling and spectacular icebergs this side of the...Misty’s Mistle-totally-awesome Christmas Countdown!
T’is the season! 2016 has been an especially spectacular year for me as I finally had the chance to introduce Misty to the world! It’s been an amazing ride! To celebrate I wanted to countdown the final days before Christmas with a celebration of some of...My New Creative Space
When a place feels right, it just feels right and the energy around me these days is so highly potent I don’t even want to leave the house. My creative space is a place I want to be and where it feels good to be doing what I love.