Who can predict when the creative muse will hit… I mean, really?  I’ve chased her down with my legs plopped over the back of my couch and my head dangling dangerously over the edge… The logic? Perhaps the blood running into my head will create some miraculous surge of brain power. But mostly it just draws attention to the fascinating fact that the hair on my legs grows out about a quarter inch each week. What makes a writer write? Discipline…maybe, but I’d rather feel desire. And I’d like to find my space. For me, that means somewhere that’s visually uncluttered because my eyes will wander more than my mind if given the chance.

Enjoying the view and thinking of new ways to be creative!

Enjoying the view and thinking of new ways to be creative!

An empty house helps as does the feeling that I’m totally free to get lost in this fantasy world that is my mind. I think I’ve finally got it. My writing room. Actually, there’s not much in it at all. Two computers (I get a bit frantic when I’m writing and researching), a desk, a chair, my rose quartz orb, my guitar and well that’s about it. Except a view of the beautiful Exploits River and music when I want it. What can I say? When a place feels right, it just feels right and the energy around me these days is so highly potent I don’t even want to leave the house. My creative space is a place I want to be and where it feels good to be doing what I love. Where I can prop my legs up on the window sill and if the sun shines through the window in just the right way… I can still keep track of the leg hair. After all, one must always have a back–up plan.

What does your writing space look or feel like? Does it even matter to you? Please share with me… I’d love to know.