An overactive imagination, a sense of adventure, a passion for writing and a darn good hip shimmy!

Kathryn lives in Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, a far-flung (but well-loved) island in the North Atlantic better known as ‘The Rock’. She is an enterprising woman business owner who embodies the new and exciting wave of senior solopreneurs with her company, Kathryn Taylor Media.


Kathryn Taylor Media is a well-respected Canadian writing and publishing brand.  Its premier broadcast, Let’s Get Writing, offers writers an engaging opportunity to discuss their book and writing journey in a 30-minute show that can be shared on social media and marketing platforms. Be a guest and share content that attracts readers, writers, publishers and fans. Kathryn Taylor Media recently expanded its product line to include online training packages (How to Go Live with Confidence) and film development. Yes, Misty’s Misadventures is actively seeking production and is represented by Suzanne Lyons, Snowfall Films, Burbank, CA.

How did this all begin? Through writing her book, Misty’s Misadventures, Kathryn started to ask questions about writing. How do people break through barriers to success? What makes a sustainable writing career? Her exploration led her to others, and she knew she had found a way to serve them and fulfill her dreams. Let’s Get Writing, the show for writers, readers and lovers of personal stories, was born.

With over 200 shows, coaching videos, and over four seasons of entertainment on her YouTube channel at Kathryn Taylor TV, she’s featured many writers, artists, and publishers. Let’s Get Writing, her premiere brand show is shared on Facebook and Instagram at Kathryn Taylor Media and is carried on Rogers TV. Let’s Get Writing is committed to supporting writers at home and abroad.

Driven by curiosity and her desire to share stories, Kathryn believes that the world of writers and writing matters and is timeless.